Monday, June 29, 2020
Violence in Sarah Kane three plays Cleansed, Crave - 19250 Words
Violence in Sarah Kane three plays: Cleansed, Crave, and 4.48 Psychoses (Thesis Sample) Content: Violence in Sarah Kane three plays: Cleansed, Crave, and 4.48 PsychosesMaster thesisSubject: Theatre studiesAcknowledgmentI would like to extend by gratitude to my professor who encouraged me to read widely to have a better grasp of the English language, which has given me the opportunity to experience the remarkable world of literature in its ability to capture day-to-day issues such as violence and love. I also appreciate the diligent support of my peer support group for helping through the writing process and being patient to my demands.AbstractThe main aim of this study is to evaluate ways in which violence was used by the playwright Sarah Kane with special attention to her last three plays. Her works were influenced greatly by the ethnic cleansings that were perpetrated in Bosnia as well as the play Mad by dramatist Jeremy Weller. Violence is defined as the intentional use of threatened or actual physical force against oneself, another person, or against a group or community that leads to injury, death, or physiological harm. In-yer-face theatres has been defined as plays that involve grabbing the audience by the scruff of their necks and shaking them till the message sinks in. it was pioneered by Sarah Kane, who produced five staged plays: Blasted, Phaedras Love, Cleansed, Crave, and 4.48 Psychosis- staged posthumously. Love was the supreme-most theme in all her plays, featuring prominently especially in her last three plays. Use of violence enabled the writer to shock the audience into paying greater attention, giving the plays a greater impact and prompting the audience to re-evaluating themselves.Table of ContentsTOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Acknowledgment PAGEREF _Toc483756176 \h iAbstract PAGEREF _Toc483756177 \h iiiTable of Contents PAGEREF _Toc483756178 \h iv1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc483756179 \h 11.1.Definition of violence PAGEREF _Toc483756180 \h 11.2.Types and Causes of violence PAGEREF _Toc483756181 \h 61.3.Violence in drama PAGEREF _ Toc483756182 \h 101.4.Violence in Yer-Face-Theatres PAGEREF _Toc483756183 \h 142.Elements of Violence in Sarah Kane Works PAGEREF _Toc483756184 \h 182.1.The life story PAGEREF _Toc483756185 \h 182.2.Influences: Personal and Historical PAGEREF _Toc483756186 \h 203.Violence in Cleansed PAGEREF _Toc483756187 \h 233.1.Cleansed PAGEREF _Toc483756188 \h 233.2.Elements of Violence in Cleansed PAGEREF _Toc483756189 \h 253.2.1.Torture PAGEREF _Toc483756190 \h 263.2.2.Mutilation PAGEREF _Toc483756191 \h 313.2.3.Homicide PAGEREF _Toc483756192 \h 363.2.4.Oppression PAGEREF _Toc483756193 \h 384.Elements of violence in Crave PAGEREF _Toc483756194 \h 454.1.Crave PAGEREF _Toc483756195 \h 454.2.Elements of violence in Crave PAGEREF _Toc483756196 \h 484.2.1.Psychological Trauma PAGEREF _Toc483756197 \h 484.2.2.Rape PAGEREF _Toc483756198 \h 514.2.3.Domestic violence PAGEREF _Toc483756199 \h 534.2.4.Colonisation/Possessiveness in love PAGEREF _Toc483756200 \h 564.2.5.Isolation loneliness PAGEREF _Toc48 3756201 \h 595.Elements of Violence in 4.48 Psychosis PAGEREF _Toc483756202 \h 625.1.4.48 Psychosis PAGEREF _Toc483756203 \h 625.2.Violence in 4.48 Psychosis PAGEREF _Toc483756204 \h 645.2.1.Madness PAGEREF _Toc483756205 \h 655.2.2.Suicide PAGEREF _Toc483756206 \h 695.2.3.The Light PAGEREF _Toc483756207 \h 726.Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc483756208 \h 73Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc483756209 \h 77 1 2 IntroductionViolence has been, through the ages, a persistent feature in the world both on a personal basis and in the society, in the day to day activities and in special cases of wars (Purnavel 237). Ages, religions, civilizations, and remarkable world events are often marked by the greatest violence expressed in them in form of battles. While in a normal case violence is considered to be wrong, war normalizes it and gives those engaging in war a chance to vent out. Apart from wars, aggression is expreinced by people in a variety of ways as discussed below. 1 Definition of violenceViolence ha s been studied widely by renowned scholars, including Aristotle, Plato, Freud, and many who came after them. The scholars indicate a practice of borrowing from each other the concepts and meanings attributed to acts of brutality. The longest established belief system for violence is the hypothesis of catharsis which was introduced by Aristotle, one of the most prominent of the early ages Greek philosophers. According to Drake, Aristotle attributed feelings of aggression with the internal existence of things which are impossible for man to fully comprehend, but which affect the behaviour of people in remarkable ways (50). He further elucidates on aggression being an internal struggle in which dominant emotions seek to topple logical conduct and cause the subject to act in abnormal ways. Catharsis, or venting out, is the widest studied principle of Aristotles views on violence which puts forward the idea that individuals can be rid of their feelings of aggression by watching dramatiza tions violent behaviour (Gentile 491).Mental activity and common sense contributes in a big way to the feelings of increased tension in the body, which may ultimately manifest in anger and forcefulness if not expressed out. To Aristotle, the link between aggression and the state of mind of an individual are inseparable. Awareness is important for the individual to control their rational state of mind both in the acquisition of and the venting out of aggression, an immoral emotion.Socially, the concept of suprematism expressed by Aristotle argues for the complete knocking down of the traditional thought process of the Western nations. The violence required of the person in the concept is targeted at the mind, redefining meanings, norms, and possibilities in the pursuit of fluidity, enlightenment from the inside out, and a higher state of reality, (Drake 61). New modes of organization and meaning are developed by opening up new parts of human consciousness.Aristotles philosophy create d the template on which majority of the future thinkers would develop their theories although he lacked the pinpoint precision of their concepts. For example, as a tool for social change, violence was best expressed by George Sorel at the onset of the 20th century. At a time of social unrests in Europe and especially France, Sorel defines violence as a quest for freedom in performing ones tasks. Geuss Skinner discuss the views of Sorel on violence as an emotion manifested as an indication of social conflict, and one that is an efficient weapon to bring about change. Social constructs that establish a perking order in mankind leads to build-up of resistance among the common people, and finally manifests in unrests.Sorels definition of violence as the expression of built up emotions which are released through venting adheres to Aristotles catharsis, only in this case, the anger is removed when the society revolts. Participation is thus an important aspect of Sorels definition for dea ling with violent emotions, a release that allows the individual to be free of turmoil.Freud also expresses wartime violence in the correspondence exchanged between him and Albert Einstein and subsequent articles during the World War I. According to Sampson, Freud views violence, in this case being decidedly the bloodiest wars in the history of the world at that time, as a mental state that destroys valued conceptions, confounds the intelligent, and debases highly regarded principles (83). Disillusionment to the effectiveness of established norms to solve human problems is attributed to the blinding nature of hostilities. Freud also advances that violence is a direct outcome of embitterment and implacability that yields cruelty when not sufficiently mitigated.At this time when violence was rife globally, the views of Freud were highly militarized and political, but also highly relevant to philosophy. Freud also held the view that violence is born out of cruel and selfish inclination s of man which are most primitive and hard to overcome. Outward expression of internal ravages is what indicates the presence of them and what society judges of an individual. Barring their expression, feelings of violence are neutral and unlikely to harm the person.Carl Marx was a Prussian philosopher whose works focused on the communistic social and economic dispensation. Marx identifies violence as a tool to achieve the political will of the people. A subtle form of violence where indirect engagement with the enemy was employed at minimal harm to the instigator is believed to be the precursor to terrorism activities currently plaguing the world. The political definition of violence receives its meaning from Marx, stated explicitly as the combined attacks directed towards a political entity which occur within its boundaries and are aimed towards the policies of or actors in the government, (Cohen-Almagor 4).Apart from the philosophical definitions given by scholar and social activ ists, a practical definition is given by the World Health Organisation for practical use as:The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation (Krug 4).This succinct definition covers admirably the rather diverse topic of violence, creating meaning that is used as a standard in law enforcement, the justice system, social services, and community health among others. Breaking the definition down for better understanding we get:Physical harm to ones body, or the threat to hurt oneself, qualifies as violence. Even though the definition does not explicitly state psychological force as a cause for violence, the premise that violence...
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